カラー・コード - DSX CableAnalyzer

The ability to select one of the following color codes depends on which test limit you have selected. For example, ANSI/TIA-568-C only permits T568A or T568B. ANSI/TIA-1005 permits Ethernet Two-Pair and Ethernet Two-Pair Crossed in addition to T568A and T568B.

T568A Wire Map     T568B Wire Map      Ethernet TwoPair Wire Map  
Ethernet TwoPair Crossed Wire Map     M12 TwoPair Wire Map      M12 TwoPair Crossed Wire Map     

Crossover Wire Map     1000BASET Crossover Wire Map      2 x TwoPair Crossed Wire Map     
ATM TPPMD Straight Wire Map      ATM TPPMD Crossed Wire Map      Token Ring Wire Map
USOC SinglePair Wire Map           CSU DSU Wire Map 
Rollover Wire Map