In today's digitally-driven world, ensuring the integrity and efficiency of network infrastructures is paramount, whether you're running a small business or responsible for a large-scale enterprise network. This comprehensive guide to network and cable testing essentials can help professionals understand the importance of proper cable testing and network testing. We’ll also discuss the industry-leading range of Fluke testers and analyzers for Ethernet, fiber optic, and copper cables, so you can find the solution that’s best for your operation.
2024 年 3 月 13 日
規格 vs. 単線ケーブル:選択方法
Both shielded and unshielded twisted-pair copper cable comes in either stranded or solid wire versions. There are plenty of considerations when it comes to choosing one or the other, including standards, environment, application, and cost. Let’s take a look at the differences and considerations, so you can decide whether stranded copper wire or solid copper wire cable is right for your specific installation.
2024 年 3 月 6 日
Versiv™ への投資価値を高める方法
We know that customers use our cable certification solutions for years, even decades. We took that into account when we designed the Versiv™ cable certifier. Now that forward-looking strategy is protecting long-term Versiv users.
2023 年 12 月 21 日
MPTL の正しいテスト方法とは?
You have just received a job specification that includes Modular Plug Terminated Links (MPTLs), with the requirement that all links, including the MPTL, be certified to TIA or ISO standards. This means the customer or manufacturer will look for test reports with “MPTL” as the test limit.
2023 年 8 月 22 日
Network cable certification may be required by the job specification or for a long-term warranty from a cable supplier. If it’s not required, have you ever skipped this critical step?
2023 年 7 月 6 日
Fluke CableIQ™ Qualification Tester vs. LinkIQ™ ケーブル+ネットワーク・テスター
2007 年、フルーク・ネットワークスは CableIQ Qualification Tester の導入により、ケーブル認証市場を創出しました。TIA および ISO 規格を満たし、請負業者に対して今日のネットワークだけでなく将来のネットワークもサポートするケーブル配線システムを確実に設置することを求めるビル所有者にとって、認証は不可欠なものです。しかし、ネットワーク・ケーブルの認証テスターは、ネットワーク・メンテナンス・チームにとって非常に高価なものとなっています。
2023 年 6 月 13 日
While certifying a cable plant, an installer repeatedly experiences complex near-end crosstalk (NEXT) failures on multiple links. Overwhelmed by issues with the cabling plant and the customer demanding answers, she needs expert help to troubleshoot the problem. Fluke Networks Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to the rescue!
2023 年 5 月 2 日
One could argue that certification testing of an installed structured cabling plant is optional and time consuming. But if an end user wants a system warranty, “optional” is the last word to describe this crucial step. As Panduit’s product line manager Frank Straka put it, “Certification testing will always be required for warranty, regardless of the number of drops on a project.”
2023 年 4 月 6 日
ケーブル認証がかつてないほど重要である 3 つの理由
※ 本記事は日本語にて翻訳/レイアウトされております。ダウンロードはこちらから。
Every time you complete the installation of a structured cabling system, you can choose whether to certify it. All links in the system should be tested in some way to make sure that they’re connected properly, but is it necessary to measure and document the performance of every link?
2023 年 1 月 5 日