ACR-N が合格あるいは不合格ではなく N/A と表示される - LinkWare PC
In LinkWare, you may see ACR-N appear with N/A next to it rather than a PASS or FAIL. An example is shown below:
If you are testing to any ANSI/TIA standard, you will always see N/A (Not Applicable) next to ACR-N since ACR-N is not a requirement in ANSI/TIA standards. It is however reported because many customers expect to see ACR-N on the test report. The limit line on the graph should ideally be black and not red; an enhancement request has been made to engineering.
ISO/IEC standards do require ACR-N. However, you may also see N/A appear if the Insertion Loss of the disturbed pair is less than 4 dB for the entire measurement frequency; often referred to as the 4 dB rule. It only applies to ISO/IEC Permanent Link testing and NOT Channel testing.
There is no corrective action for you to take. Your tester and LinkWare are following the standard you selected.